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IAMCR 2019
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Iamcr 2019


In the past decades, digital technologies have altered the cultural and communication scene profoundly. New forms of creation, production, distribution, promotion, access and participation have changed cultural industries. In this context, a new actor has emerged: the online communication and cultural platforms. This international seminar (IAMCR 2019 post-conference) aims to bring together insights from scholars all over the world working on the current presence of these players.

The contributors of this academic event will discuss the following questions: How operate online platforms? What are the characteristics of “platforming” compared to other forms of organization of the culture and communication industries? Do online platforms contribute to the online diversity of cultural expressions? Do they express a more concentrate cultural and communication worldwide market? How do they challenge existing public policies, especially policies for the cultural and communication industries, or how do they rely on some of these policies to assert themselves?

Professor Joe Straubhaar (The University of Texas at Austin, USA) will open the seminar, by giving the lecture Netflix in Latin America: A New Cultural Imperialism, Increased Regional Generation and Class Stratification, or a New, Regional Hybrid Television?


LocationPuerta de Toledo Campus, Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M).
Date and Time: 12 July 2019, 09:00 to 18:00.
ConvenorsAudiovisual Diversity Research Group (UC3M), LabEx ICCA (Paris 13 University) and the IAMCR’s Political Economy Section.
Organizers: Luis A. Albornoz (UC3M), Phillippe Bouquillion (Paris 13 U.) and Rodrigo Gómez (UAM/IAMCR).
Attendance to the event will be free but registration will be required.




The post-conference is organized by the research group Audiovisual Diversity, based at Carlos III University of Madrid, together with the LabEx ICCA (France) and the Political Economy Section of IAMCR.
The International Association for Media and Communication Research – IAMCR – is the preeminent worldwide professional organization in the field of media and communication research.











Categories Congreso

VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (AE-IC) – Comunicación y conocimiento.

Del 26 al 29 de junio de 2018 – Universidad de Salamanca

Varios miembros del proyecto de investigación participaron presentando comunicaciones en el VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (AE-IC) que llevaba por lema Comunicación y conocimiento. Luis A. Albornoz y Mª Trinidad García Leiva presentaron la comunicación titulada “Netflix España: una reflexión en clave de diversidad audiovisual” mientras que Marina Hernádez, junto con Samuel Etxebarría, defendió la comunicación titulada “Análisis de la diversidad de contenidos del catálogo de la plataforma audiovisual Filmin”.

Así mismo, Ana Segovia participó de la sesión plenaria “Economía Política de la Comunicación y Conocimiento”, moderada por Ángel Badillo y con la presencia de Philip Schlesinger (Universidad de Glasgow), Toby Miller (Universidad Loughborough Londres) y Suzy dos Santos (Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro). La profesora Segovia presentó la ponencia “Economía politica, financiarización y estrategias corporativas. El grupo PRISA”.


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