Los grupos de investigación «Industries culturelles & création artistique» y «Diversidad audiovisual» de la Université Sorbonne Paris Nord y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, organizaron de forma conjunta el Seminario Internacional «Discussing SVOD Services: Economics and Policy», que tuvo lugar en París los días 22 y 23 de septiembre de 2022.
El programa completo del seminario puede descargarse aquí.
Seminario internacional / International Seminar
Discussing SVOD Services: Economics and Policy
Maison de la Recherche
Room Claude Simon
4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Programa / Programme
Jueves / Thursday 22
9:00-9:30 hs. Welcome and presentation
Luis A. Albornoz, L. Creton and P. Bouquillion
9:30-11:00 hs. Panel 1: Socio-economic profiling of transnational SVOD service providers
Chair: Gemma Camáñez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
– Philippe Bouquillion (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France), Bruno Lefèvre (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France). Structures of the SVoD Market in France
– Laurent Creton (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, France). The Cinema Industry in France facing the Transnational Streamers: Strategic Issues
– J. Ignacio Gallego (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain). The different logics of the SVOD platforms: where Is the value?
11:00-11:15 hs. Coffee break
11:15-13:00 hs. Panel 2: Policy and regulation of SVOD services in the European Union
Chair: Christine Chevret-Castellani (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France)
– Tim Raats (SMIT VUB, Belgium). Investment obligations in the European Union and beyond: a 2022 update
– Ana Vinuela (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, France). Can French Regulation of Global SVOD Platforms be a Model for other European Countries?
– Luis A. Albornoz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain). New obligations for video-on-demand service providers operating in Spanish territory: linguistic
diversity and independent production companies
13:00-14:00 hs. Lunch break
14:00-16:00 hs. Next steps (INTERNAL meeting)
16:00-18:00 hs. Panel 3 (online): Legal and market aspects of American SVOD services in Latin America
Chair: Gustavo Gómez (Observacom, Uruguay)
– Rodrigo Gómez García (Universidad Metropolitana de Mexico, Mexico). United States SVOD companies market performance and legal framework in Mexico
– Leonardo de Marchi (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The dispute for the (de)regulation of VoD in Brazil: trajectory and consequences for the audiovisual
– Guillermo Mastrini (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina). The incipient regulation of OTT services in Argentina
– Ana Bizberge (Observacom / CONICET-ICEP / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina). Online audiovisual services in Argentina: policy debates, economics and diversity
Viernes / Friday 22
10:30-12:30 hs. Panel 4: Content, promotion strategies and algorithms
Chair: Tristan Mattelart (Université Paris II, France)
– Mª. Trinidad García Leiva (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain). Spanish content in SVoD services: availability and prominence
– Begoña Herrero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain).Off screen diversity in the HBO Spain catalogue
– Gemma Camáñez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain). Promotion in SVoD – OOH, Social networks and Media
– Alix Bénistant (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France), Christine Chevret-Castellani (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) and Sarah Labelle (Université de Montpellier, France). Netflix and its cultural offer in a competitive context: algorithmic recommendations, promises of “discoverability” and regulatory framework
12:30-14:30 hs. Lunch break
14:00-15:30 hs. Panel 5: Round table with professional and institutional decision-makers
Chair: Kira Kitsopanidou (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, France), Philippe Bouquillion (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France)
– Tim Wescott, Omdia (Senior Principal Analyst | Digital Content & Channels, UK)
– Jérôme Chung (Under the milk way, Digital distribution and marketing)
– Catherine Bernard (France TV Distribution | Associate Executive Director, France)
15:30-15:45 hs. Closure
El programa completo del seminario puede descargarse aquí.
Alix Bénistant is an associate professor in Information and Communication Sciences at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. He is also member of the Information and Communication Sciences Laboratory (UR 1803, LabSIC). His research interests focus on the processes of industrialization and transnationalization of culture, and the digital issues related to them. These questions are addressed in an approach that articulates the political economy of communication and the socioeconomics of cultural industries. His latest work deals with the theme of «culture and recommendation algorithms», where he studies the issues of «discoverability» in watching practices on the Netflix platform. He is also working on the financing and financialization processes within the music industry, based on fieldwork on emerging platforms.
Bénistant, A., Chevret-Castellani C., Labelle S., (2022, to be published), « Quand les abonné·e·s travaillent leur profil. Netflix, algorithmes et promesses de découvrabilité », in Brin, Colette et Véronique Guèvremont, IA, Culture et Médias, Presses de l’Université de Laval/UNESCO.
Bénistant, A. (2022, to be published), « Industrias culturales en la era digital. El caso de la música latina de Miami », in Mercado A., Industrias culturales y digitalización en América del
Norte, CISAN, México.
Bénistant, A., Carcaly, H. (2023, under evaluation), « Les enjeux de financement et de financiarisation au sein de la filière musicale : valeur et valorisation de la musique à l’ère des plateformes », in Glévarec, H., Nowak, R., « La valeur de la musique à l’ère des plateformes de streaming », Volume ! La revue des musiques populaires.
Recent Publications / Communications :
– Lefèvre, B. (2022), «Economic concentration in the French Media and Communication markets », Summer 2022 Conference, Global Media and Internet Concentration – GMIC, Carleton University, Ottawa – Ca ;
– Lefèvre, B., Wiart, L, (2022), « Mobilisation de la société civile contre la localisation d’industries de l’économie créative : les conflits pour la re-politisation des territoires », in L’Espace Politique, Varia 43 2021-01 ;
– Lefèvre, B. (2021), « Creative economy on local territories and democratic governance », European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR – General Conference, on-line, Section The Geography of new economics ;
– Lefèvre, B. (2019), « Industries culturelles et économie créative. Quels modèles pour la territorialité de la création? », in Revue internationale Communication, vol. 36/1 | Avril 2019, De quoi la créativité est-elle le nom?, U. Laval – Ca
Christine Chevret-Castellani is an associate professor in Information and Communication Sciences at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. She is also member and assistant director of the Information and Communication Sciences Laboratory (UR 1803, LabSIC). Since joining LabSIC, her research has led her to focus on the regulation of tech in France and Europe (discourses of public authorities). In collaboration with Sarah Labelle, since 2018, and also with Alix Bénistant, since 2020, this work has led to publications (2018-2022) on the regulation of algorithms and artificial intelligence and on Netflix’s algorithms, as part of a project supported by the Labex Cultural Industries and Artistic Creation (ICCA).
Bénistant, A., Chevret-Castellani C., Labelle S., (2022, to be published), « Quand les abonné·e·s travaillent leur profil. Netflix, algorithmes et promesses de découvrabilité », in Brin, Colette et Véronique Guèvremont, IA, Culture et Médias, Presses de l’Université de Laval/UNESCO.
Chevret-Castellani C., Labelle S., (2021), « Vers un « modèle français » de régulation de l’intelligence artificielle fondé sur l’innovation sociale ? », Communication, technologies et développement, n°10, https://journals.openedition.org/ctd/6195
Chevret-Castellani C., Labelle S., (2020), « Réguler les algorithmes et l’intelligence artificielle par le droit souple, entre expression et neutralisation des points de vue », Science et sens de l’intelligence artificielle, sous la direction de Guilhem Julia, Éd. Dalloz, pp. 61-72.
Chevret-Castellani C., Labelle S., (2019), « Transparence et loyauté : des motifs au service de la souplesse du droit et de la créativité », Revue Terminal, n°124, https://journals.openedition.org/terminal/4064
Examples of recent publications:
-(2021) Vivendi. A Global Media Giant, Routeledge.
– In co-writing with Ithurbide Christine, (2021) «La globalisation culturelle et les nouveaux enjeux d’hégémonie à l’heure des plateformes. Le cas indien».Réseaux, 2021/2-3 (N° 226-227) : 71-98.
-(2020) «Industrial and Financial Structures of OTTs in India», in Athique Adrian & Parthasarathi Vibodh (editors), Platform Capitalism in India, Palgrave, IAMCR Series: 101-113.